Why Anamorfake It? A Cheap Option for the Anamorphic Look

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Anamorfake It Until You Make It
Why Anamorfake It? A Cheap Option for the Anamorphic Look
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Anamorfake It Until You Make ItAAA

How do you craft the anamorphic look without using any anamorphic glass? And why? For starters, it's cheaper, faster, and maybe even easier than the traditional anamorphic path.

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Anamorfake It Until You Make It


You want the anamorphic look but can't justify the added cost? No problem. This new course from Tito Ferradans shows you how to modify lenses and experiment with filters and post-production techniques so that you can Anamorfake It Until You Make it!

As an exclusive bonus, MZed Pro members can get a free copy of Tito Ferradans' "Anamorfake It Until You Make It" ebook and bonus content by going to the Member Discounts page under Account Settings.

About the Educator

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Tito Ferradans


2 Courses

Hailing from Brazil, Tito Ferradans spent the last ten years pursuing the dream of making films. Tito is a tech guy, passionate for sci-fi narratives and with a sharp eye for the visual aspects of a story, from cinematography to post-production and visual effects. He also has a YouTube channel about anamorphic lenses, which has been his study subject since 2012 and very likely the reason you're here!

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